Friends / Friends Of Holland House Newsletter

4 Mar 2025

Are you interested in volunteering at Holland House? Come and join us at Holland House on Tues, 1 April 2025 from 10:00 – 12:00 to learn more about volunteering opportunities. Refreshments will be served. Email  to book your place. We hope to see you there!

19 Nov 2024 News

The Benefact Group is running a ’12 Days of Giving’ campaign in December and will be giving 120 charities £1,000 each over 12 days.  The first draw takes place on December 5th and the last on December 20th with 10 charities drawn every week day.  Nominations are open until 23:59 on December 19th 2024.

If you would like to nominate Holland House for a £1000 donation from Benefact this Christmas, please click here and vote for Holland House (charity number 1179244). We appreciate your supporttttt.

13 Oct 2024 News

We welcome the newly elected Friends of Holland House committee members.

A new Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer were appointed at our AGM as well as two new committee members.

Friends Committee: Chair: Canon Dr Julie Fay, Vice Chair: Emily Miller. Secretary: Wendy Berry, Treasurer: Maureen Foxall. Other members: Mrs Kay Mason, Nicky Garrad, Sue Oliver.

July 2023 News

The Holland House Friends had a lovely Social evening in July when many people were pleased to meet our new Warden, Helen Stanton. We look forward to working with her.

Helen was previously an Anglican Tutor in Ethics, Doctrine and Spirituality at Queen’s Theological College in Birmingham. As Warden, Helen will play a key role in shaping the future life and ministry of the house.

Feb 2023 News

The Friends of Holland House presented Ian Spencer, the Warden of Holland House, with a retirement gift after many years of excellent leadership and commitment.  We gave him a beautiful hand blown recycled glass vase for his new home. We wish him a happy, healthy and well deserved retirement.


Jan 2023 News

The date of our next Friends of Holland House Committee Meeting is Wednesday, 22 February at 2.30 pm in The Den at Holland House. Members are welcome to attend.

Dec 2022 News

Out with the old and in with the New.

The Friends of Holland House have donated new mattresses for the House. Book a retreat and try them out!

August 2022 News

Do take a look at the events in the Holland House Programme that are arranged by Friends – Quiet Garden Days and Friendly lunches. We’d love for you to join us. 

Social: About 20 Friends met for a lovely evening social in Carol’s wonderful garden overlooking the river in Wyre Piddle. Many thanks to Carol for hosting us and providing the food.

Tree planting: We held a ceremony before the June Quiet Garden Day, using a liturgy adapted for the purpose by our Chair, Rev. Brenda. It was well attended, by family of Chris North and many others. (see the pictures.) Next time you are at the House do have a look at both trees, one in memory of Chris North, and one for the Queen’s Green Canopy. Both are unusual trees chosen by Head Gardener Patrick Swan.

Day Retreat: We finally got to meet Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader Nick Helm on 21st June face-to-face when he led us in a day entitled ‘Cycles of Grace’. (We had originally booked Nick to lead our Weekend in May 2020, and he did lead a day for us on-line.) The day was greatly appreciated by all who attended. Nick is a very gracious leader, and gently encourages people to see things in a new way. We hope we can book him for a future event.

Quiet Garden Days: We have been getting numbers in the 20s most of this year, and the last, in July, was attended by 34 people! An unprecedented number, which included two WI groups. It is clear that with these numbers, sandwiches are not practical (we had agreed to have sandwiches when we were meeting in the Den pre-Covid, with fewer people). We have now agreed to leave it up to the discretion of kitchen staff as to what they provide for a ‘light lunch’ – which could be sandwiches, a salad, a ploughman’s or even, when it’s cold, soup and bread!
People will appreciate that, with rising costs, we will need to increase the cost next year. it will still be good value, with lunch and all refreshments, including afternoon tea and cake included. Leaders and those presiding at Communion give their time free (volunteers welcome). It looks at present as if most of the days in 2023 will revert to the old pattern of third Thursdays. So mark those in your diaries! The odd exception will be notified.

We have sent out notices regarding Quiet Garden days and Friendly lunches (check these dates as some have changed) to all those on e-mail and by post to others, and also to our list of poster/newsletter contacts. Any other names of people who are willing to put up posters or include information in any magazines, would be gratefully received.

Also we would be grateful for any offers of help to welcome people to any of these events. Apart from being a friendly welcoming face, and pointing people to facilities, this mostly entails ticking the list of participants as they arrive, checking the special diets, and informing the kitchen of any changes of numbers of diets. This is one concrete way in which the Friends can help the House.

AGM Sunday 9th October 2pm at Holland House: Please do come and hear reports of what has been happening this year, including a report from the Trustees. It has been an exciting year so far, with a very high number of bookings. Praise God for this as we still try to recover from the difficulties caused by Covid, including staffing problems. However, the House has just had a building survey and there are a lot of repairs to be done, especially to the roof, so we cannot rest on our laurels.

Friends of Holland House Committee vacancies: We do need at least 2 new people – preferably one who might take on the Treasurership! It is not an onerous task, as the main income is from subscriptions, and main outgoings are monies given over to the House and a few stamps! It also involves preparing simple accounts for each Committee meeting (about 3 per year plus the AGM).
General Committee members are invaluable at providing ideas and input into events we might organise. It is your Committee – please help us!

Friends Of Holland House

Friends of Holland House Newsletter

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