Would you like to spend more time at Holland House and help the wonderful staff continue to provide a hospitable, friendly, comfortable environment for our  guests? The staff would welcome volunteers who can give a little, or more, of their time occasionally or regularly to help out with:  

  • Chapel flower arranging

  • Looking after the chapel vestments and vestry

  • Running the bar during Friendly Lunches

  • General gardening, weeding and re-potting seeds with gardener Julian

  • Picking soft fruit and vegetables during summer months

  • Varnishing/ maintaining and repairing garden furniture

  • Welcoming guests and showing them to their rooms

  • Leading/organising quiet days

Volunteer Gardening Days. Once a month Holland House hosts a Volunteer Gardening Day when lovers of gardening meet to spend a day working on the garden. We provide refreshments including a delicious sandwich lunch. Just click on this link which takes you to our events page, and book a place on the day you would like to come.