Holland House is a Christian charity that seeks to encourage everyone who would like to come to share this sacred space.
We therefore try hard to keep our prices balanced between what we need to support the House, and what is reasonable for guests to pay – it’s a mutual commitment “where your heart is, there your treasure is also.” (Matthew 6.21, Luke 12.34)
Afternoon Tea: £25 per person – booking by request only at enquiries@hollandhouse.org
At Holland House, we are committed to making our House programme, and individual visits, available to everyone who would like to be at a retreat. This means that we want to encourage people who are underrepresented at Holland House to attend our programme: particularly people who are of GMH (Global Majority Heritage) UKME (UK Minoritised Ethnic), young, disabled, LGBTQI+, working-class or economically unable to afford our normal fees. If you fall into one of these categories, or if this is your first retreat, and would like a bursary, we can automatically reduce your fee by 25%. If you need further help with fees, please contact the Warden, Helen Stanton (warden@hollandhouse.org). We will do our best to ensure that you can visit us as part of our House programme. We are unable, at present, to offer bursaries to people wishing to attend events arranged by other groups.
If you are able to afford to pay more than the cost of your retreat / event or would like to make a contribution so that others can be subsidised, please make a donation, marked ‘Bursary Fund’. We are particularly grateful for such donations. Thank you.