Mon 17   March 2025

17th – 21st March 2025: Springtime Zen Sesshin (retreat)


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Springtime Zen Sesshin (retreat) at Holland House
With Christopher Ryushin Collingwood Roshi

Monday 17th March to Friday 21st March 2025

Arrival and Registration from 4pm on Monday. Departure following breakfast on Friday
This is a silent retreat for those who would like to deepen their existing practice or simply get to know Zen for the first time. It provides an opportunity to open-up to life itself and to appreciate our lives just as they are, in silence and stillness.
The sesshin will comprise mostly of Zazen (seated meditation of 25 minutes at a time), and be led by Christopher Ryushin Collingwood who will be presenting Teisho (Zen Talks) and also offering Dokusan (one-to-one teaching)
Experienced Sitters and beginners are welcome. If you are a beginner please indicate this when you are booking your place.
All accommodation, meals, refreshments, zen teaching and support are included. All meals will be vegetarian, please advise Holland House of any dietary allergies or requirements upon booking.
Cushions and mats are provided, but please bring your own prayer stool etc if you prefer. Clothing should be loose / comfortable and subdued in colour.
The Sesshin will begin with registration from 4:00 pm on Monday 17th March with supper at 6:00 pm. The first period of zazen begins at 8:00 pm – the time when ‘Noble Silence’ begins.

Cost: £470.00

Bursaries are available If you would like to attend but require support with the cost. Please email for further information on this.

For any other queries email

Please note, there will be an opportunity to make a donation (Dana) and sign a card for Ryushin Roshi who otherwise receives no payment for this Sesshin.

We look forward to sharing this special time with you at Holland House very soon.

If you would like to book your place with a non-refundable deposit please use this attached link and select 4 nights totalling £100 for this retreat making a note of the name of the retreat in the ‘note’ section.

Pre-arranged Residential Deposit: £25 per person, per night

Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that you are unable to eat due to an allergy or you can advise of a dietary preference of vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free or vegan.