26th – 28th Sep: Honouring the Spaces– A Quiet Weekend facilitated by Alison Paris.


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We all experience losses; some day by day – what we might call small losses – and also more life -changing losses, perhaps through a bereavement. In both cases, we can tend, for all kinds of reasons, to push these losses down, so that they can build up: or we might push them aside, to be ashamed of our feelings, or be overwhelmed. Sometimes we might feel we have lost a part of ourselves.

During this two day Quiet period, we’ll together open some possibilities for honouring and nurturing the cracks and broken places we notice in our lives, to re-create unexpected blessings and a renewed sense of ourselves as deeply loved by God as we are.

We ‘ll consider the idea of the Kintsugi Vase – the notion of creating beauty in the broken pieces. Helped by poetry, we ‘ll engage with aspects of Celtic Spirituality to help us to do this. We’ll investigate possibilities for spiritual journalling and encounter some gently embodied practices. There will be time to be outside, to read, or to explore creatively, and , most importantly , to rest.

Whilst this is not a silent weekend as such, we will be supported by designated periods for silent reflection, as well as the chance, if so wished, to share with others.
The weekend will begin on Friday September with a session after supper from 7 pm – 8 pm, and will end after Lunch on Sunday. Details about timings, along with resources, and suggestions for things to bring, will be sent before the weekend.

There will be opportunity, but no obligation, to arrange a 20 minute individual conversation with the facilitator specifically in order to explore helpful spiritual approaches.During this weekend it will not be possible to offer deeper therapeutic support, so, this retreat will not be not suitable for you if you have suffered a profound bereavement within the last 12 months.

My background is in nursing, probation work and was a Senior Lecturer in Social Work Education within a University. However, I was initially a ‘late entrant ‘to University, graduating in English and Drama!
Just before retiring from full time work I qualified with a Diploma /MSc in Counselling and Psychotherapy and now offer counselling and spiritual support on a voluntary basis in a hospice setting. I also provide training in bereavement and spiritual care on behalf of the hospice across health trusts.
I offer spiritual accompaniment, have been part of the facilitating team for the Midlands Ecumenical course, and am a member of the Spiritual Accompaniment Forum in that area. I am trained in and offer supervision in mainly pastoral contexts .
I have a particular interest in poetry, as a therapeutic and spiritual support, and have undertaken the Capacitar programme for embodied work in trauma and distress.

Arrivals from 4pm on Friday until 2pm on Sunday. Includes all meals, refreshments and accommodation

Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that you are unable to eat due to an allergy or you can advise of a dietary preference of vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free or vegan.

Holland House Bursary Scheme: We can give up to 25% off at your request if our retreats are too expensive for you.
Please contact reservations@hollandhouse.org to book. If you need a more generous bursary, please email the Warden, Helen Stanton via warden@hollandhouse.org
Please pay what you can so others may benefit from our bursary scheme. Thank you.