The Other Presence
A Retreat for Spiritual Accompaniers with the Emmaus Road story. Led by Nick Helm
Tuesday 27th – Friday 30th May 2025
Spiritual Accompaniers journey with others as they explore their lives and how they recognise and deepen their encounter with the divine presence. In this retreat those who are active spiritual accompaniers are offered the space to reflect on their own journey and the recognise and deepen their personal encounter with Christ.
The silent retreat will involve a rhythm of silence, worship, Scripture reflection, space for reflection & prayer and sharing with others. There will also be the opportunity of one to one spiritual accompaniment.
Nick Helm is a retired priest based in Sheffield. He has long experience as a spiritual accompanier, training spiritual accompaniers and retreat work. He has ministered in the Dioceses of London, Sheffield and Hereford. He is co-chair of the Spiritual Direction Forum UK and vice-chair of the Society of Retreat Conductors. Currently he is active as a spiritual accompanier, offering spiritual accompaniment formation courses in Denmark and programmes for trainers of spiritual accompaniers in the UK.
Arrivals from 4pm on Tuesday until 2pm on Friday. Includes all meals, refreshments and accommodation
Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that you are unable to eat due to an allergy or you can advise of a dietary preference of vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free or vegan.
Holland House Bursary Scheme: We can give up to 25% off at your request if our retreats are too expensive for you.
Please contact to book. If you need a more generous bursary, please email the Warden, Helen Stanton via
Please pay what you can so others may benefit from our bursary scheme. Thank you.