3rd Oct: Friendly Lunch – Eyam The Plague Village


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Ian Braisby – Eyam The Plague Village

The Derbyshire village of Eyam would be just another attractive spot in the English countryside, were it not for events there in 1665. In that year, as plague spread through England, the village’s residents – led by their priest – isolated themselves from neighbouring communities to stop the disease spreading. This talk is all about that so-called “year of wonders” – the courage of its people, the sacrifices they made and the lasting impact on their community and the wider world.

Ian has been a professional tour guide for over 20 years and holds the Blue Badge, the UK’s highest tour guiding qualification. He leads tours throughout the UK and in mainland Europe and is also a regular speaker in person and online on historical and cultural subjects.

Arrivals from 12.30pm, lunch will be served at 1pm