6th – 8th May: Julian of Norwich Retreat: Oneing – Radical union is what we are made for. Led by Rev Dr Nikki Moon


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Come and immerse yourself in Julian’s teachings and insights on how we are ‘Oned’ with the Beloved. There is also an opportunity to celebrate the 652nd anniversary of Julain’s Revelations with a special Eucharist at the end of the Retreat.

“This beloved soul was preciously knitted to God in its making, by a knot so subtle and so mighty that it is oned with God. In this oneing it is made holy.”
Revelations of Divine Love; The 14th Revelation, Chapter 53.

Julian of Norwich was an English Anchorite in the Middle Ages. Julian experienced a series of revelations whilst seriously ill. She spent the rest of her life contemplating and writing about them. Her account is now known as ‘Revelations of Divine Love,’ a book that has become increasingly popular for those seeking a deeper understanding of God as loving, compassionate, merciful, and forgiving, a God who invites us to remember we are created for Divine Union.
Julian uses the word ‘Oneing’ to describe this union.
This union is the experience of saints and mystics across time and faith traditions, not just Julian. In a world of disunity, division, and darkness, we too are being called to re-member that we are oned with God as all are oned with God. In rediscovering our unity with God, we will find we are and always have been united with everything.

Rev’d Dr. Nikki Moon is an Anglican Priest, Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader. Nikki and her husband, Steve, offer their home in the Cotswolds for private and group day retreats for those seeking rest and restoration. Nikki is drawn to the Contemplative Tradition and is currently studying with the Carmelite Friars of Boars Hill Oxford to deepen her practice and seek the wisdom of the Mystical Tradition discovered in the Saints and Mystics across the ages.

Arrivals from 4pm on Tuesday until 2pm on Thursday and includes all meals, refreshments and accommodation

Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that you are unable to eat due to an allergy or you can advise of a dietary preference of vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free or vegan.

Holland House Bursary Scheme: We can give up to 25% off at your request if our retreats are too expensive for you.
Please contact reservations@hollandhouse.org to book. If you need a more generous bursary, please email the Warden, Helen Stanton via warden@hollandhouse.org
Please pay what you can so others may benefit from our bursary scheme. Thank you.