Wed 02   April 2025

2nd Apr: A Quiet Day with St Scholastica led by Revd Sister Alison Fry OSB


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A Quiet Day with St Scholastica

As the sister of the more famous St Benedict of Nursia, St Scholastica inevitably got the job of being the founder of, and patron to, Benedictine nuns. However, the single recorded story about her can be quarried by everyone for rich seams of wisdom to encourage our life of faith. This is what we will seek to do during this Quiet Day…and discover why Scholastica is also invoked for protection against violent storms.

Led by the Revd Sister Alison Fry OSB
Alison was a research scientist before becoming an Anglican priest. She is now a nun at Mucknell Abbey, where she is Novice Guardian and a gardener.

The day will begin at 10am and will include a 2 course lunch and concludes with tea and cake at 4pm.

Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that you are unable to eat due to an allergy or you can advise of a dietary preference of vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free or vegan.