Tue 15   April 2025

Tuesday in Holy Week 15th April 2025. ‘Stay with me, remain here with me’ with Mary Flitcroft


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Retreat at Holland House

Tuesday in Holy Week
15th April 2025.

‘Stay with me, remain here with me’


Join Mary Flitcroft for the Tuesday in Holy week to ‘watch and pray’
staying with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
Using the first few Stations of the Cross, from a series called Stopping Places that relate to the beginning of Jesus journey to the cross, we will take time to stop, to pause to reflect, and respond.

Stopping places are a series of 14 art works in clay responding to the biblical narrative of the Way of Sorrows. Follow Jesus’ journey, from Gethsemane to the tomb, through porcelain clay which is folded, torn and cut; stained, coloured and marked.

Mary Flitcroft is an artist whose deep interest in spirituality informs her work.
She writes: ‘’Several years ago I began a journey that was to lead me to creating mixed media works: The Stations of the Cross. This Via Dolorosa, or Way of Sorrows, follows Jesus’s journey from the Garden of Gethsemane to the tomb. I see the pieces as ‘Stopping Places’ on this journey of love. My hope for the work is that it will in some way allow the viewer time to stop: to reflect and contemplate, bringing them closer to the mystery and love of God.’’
These Stations of the Cross have been used for prayer and contemplation in a number of churches across the West Midlands as well as at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford (2019)
Mary is the Bishop’s Advisor for Spirituality in the Diocese of Worcester, as well as a spiritual director and a retreat leader. She works as an artist- working with both clay and paint in abstract contemplative works.
For further details and to register your place contact Holland House at https://www.hollandhouse.org or Mary Flitcroft at maryflitcroft@live.co.uk or at spirituality@cofe-worcester.org.uk

Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that you are unable to eat due to an allergy or you can advise of a dietary preference of vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free or vegan.