A weekend led by the Revd Dr Carlton Turner. Arrivals from 4pm on Friday until 2pm on Sunday. Includes all meals, refreshments and accommodation Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types...
Event Type: ResidentialDescription Theme: ‘Whimsical Wildflowers for your Scrapbook.' Matthew 6: 28 & Song of Solomon 2:12 Monday 7th April 2025 Create Art Ministry, gives a time and space in the week, to be still from the busyness of everyday life. At Create we use Christian Mindfulness, Relaxation and Art Therapy to...
Event Type: DayEncounter Meditation An in-person evening retreat with music, art and silence. An invitation to take an hour out of the busyness of modern life. Facilitated by contemplative practitioners, Mary Flitcroft and Helen Stanton, sessions will start with a piece of live music or artwork followed by a time of reflection,...
Event Type: DayRetreat at Holland House Tuesday in Holy Week 15th April 2025. ‘Stay with me, remain here with me’ Join Mary Flitcroft for the Tuesday in Holy week to ‘watch and pray’ staying with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Using the first few Stations of the Cross, from a...
Event Type: DayJeremy Holmes Shakespeare's Lost Women A woman being lost and found (or brought back to life) is a major dramatic feature in several of Shakespeare's plays. This talk explores this important theme, including the several "illusory" deaths, and what they mean for characters' discovery and self-discovery, both men and women....
Event Type: DayWoodworking Workshop – The Road to the Cross This day workshop will provide an opportunity to reflect on the road to the cross while making an abstract sculpture, using wood off-cuts. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, the day will provide an opportunity to explore and make use of...
Event Type: DayFriday 2nd May - Sunday 4th May 2025 I have called you by your name, you are mine -A retreat for first-time retreatants This weekend will provide a time to get to know God better. There will be guided meditations, some shared silence, and gentle conversation. We will make use...
Event Type: DayA retreat led by the Revd Nikki Moon. Arrivals from 4pm on Tuesday until 2pm on Thursday. Includes all meals, refreshments and accommodation Please note that Holland House does not provide a choice menu at meal times and it is therefore very important that you note any food types that...
Event Type: ResidentialEncounter Meditation An in-person evening retreat with music, art and silence. An invitation to take an hour out of the busyness of modern life. Facilitated by contemplative practitioners, Mary Flitcroft and Helen Stanton, sessions will start with a piece of live music or artwork followed by a time of reflection,...
Event Type: DayThe wisdom of the Enneagram is a wonderful tool to help us on a journey of self awareness and understanding ourselves. And for those on the Christian path it offers the possibility of unmasking the ingrained habits of the false self and rediscovering who we really are before God. The...
Event Type: Residential