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Holland House Scheduled Events

14th March: Introduction to Art Journaling with Jenna Burne

14th March: Introduction to Art Journaling with Jenna Burne

Are you frustrated that you can’t prioritise time for personal prayer and worship? Whilst perhaps at the same time feeling guilty about doing other things, such as arts and crafts?  Let me show you how to harness the power of your creative playfulness to deepen your relationship with God. My...

Event Type: Day
Out of Stock Read more
17th – 21st March 2025: Springtime Zen Sesshin (retreat)

17th – 21st March 2025: Springtime Zen Sesshin (retreat)

Springtime Zen Sesshin (retreat) at Holland House With Christopher Ryushin Collingwood Roshi Monday 17th March to Friday 21st March 2025 Arrival and Registration from 4pm on Monday. Departure following breakfast on Friday This is a silent retreat for those who would like to deepen their existing practice or simply get...

Event Type: Residential
Day Guest as part of Springtime Zen Sesshin

Day Guest as part of Springtime Zen Sesshin

If you would like to join Wild Goose Zen Sangha for the day as part of their retreat you can book either Tuesday 18th March, Wednesday 19th March or Thursday 20th March. The day will be from 9.30am - 5.30pm at a cost of £55 per person. Please specify which...

Event Type: Day
21st Mar: Friendly Lunch – Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and the Atlantic Slave Trade

21st Mar: Friendly Lunch – Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and the Atlantic Slave Trade

Speaker Tony Conder. This talk gives a general introduction to the nature of the trade from a British point of view and how it developed as the backbone of our economy. The core of the talk is the local effect, the estates in the shires based on plantation income, how...

Event Type: Day
Out of Stock Read more
2nd Apr: A Quiet Day with St Scholastica led by Revd Sister Alison Fry OSB

2nd Apr: A Quiet Day with St Scholastica led by Revd Sister Alison Fry OSB

A Quiet Day with St Scholastica As the sister of the more famous St Benedict of Nursia, St Scholastica inevitably got the job of being the founder of, and patron to, Benedictine nuns. However, the single recorded story about her can be quarried by everyone for rich seams of wisdom...

Event Type: Day
4th-6th Apr: On Being Whole: Theology, Practice, and Shalom, The Revd Dr Carlton Turner

4th-6th Apr: On Being Whole: Theology, Practice, and Shalom, The Revd Dr Carlton Turner

A weekend led by the Revd Dr Carlton Turner. On Being Whole: Theology, Practice, and Shalom This retreat centres around the presenter’s key theological fascination, wholeness. In it Carlton explores the idea that wholeness lies at the core of God’s will and actions towards us. He also guides us through...

Event Type: Residential
7th April: Create Art Ministry – ‘Whimsical Wildflowers’

7th April: Create Art Ministry – ‘Whimsical Wildflowers’

Description Theme: ‘Whimsical Wildflowers for your Scrapbook.' Matthew 6: 28 & Song of Solomon 2:12 Monday 7th April 2025 Create Art Ministry, gives a time and space in the week, to be still from the busyness of everyday life. At Create we use Christian Mindfulness, Relaxation and Art Therapy to...

Event Type: Day
Encounter Meditation: 14th April 2025 (AN EVENING EVENT!)

Encounter Meditation: 14th April 2025 (AN EVENING EVENT!)

Encounter Meditation An in-person evening retreat with music, art and silence. An invitation to take an hour out of the busyness of modern life. Facilitated by contemplative practitioners, Mary Flitcroft and Helen Stanton, sessions will start with a piece of live music or artwork followed by a time of reflection,...

Event Type: Day
Tuesday in Holy Week 15th April 2025.  ‘Stay with me, remain here with me’ with Mary Flitcroft

Tuesday in Holy Week 15th April 2025. ‘Stay with me, remain here with me’ with Mary Flitcroft

Retreat at Holland House Tuesday in Holy Week 15th April 2025. ‘Stay with me, remain here with me’   Join Mary Flitcroft for the Tuesday in Holy week to ‘watch and pray’ staying with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Using the first few Stations of the Cross, from a...

Event Type: Day
22nd Apr: Friendly Lunch –  Shakespeare’s Lost Women

22nd Apr: Friendly Lunch – Shakespeare’s Lost Women

Jeremy Holmes Shakespeare's Lost Women A woman being lost and found (or brought back to life) is a major dramatic feature in several of Shakespeare's plays. This talk explores this important theme, including the several "illusory" deaths, and what they mean for characters' discovery and self-discovery, both men and women....

Event Type: Day